In the face of the continuous development of the mobile Internet era, increasingly intensified business competition, corporate restructuring and the transformation of business models, the importance of organizational capacity improvement and talent training has become increasingly prominent.
关键人才的竞争和企业内部人才的缺乏,使得企业对高效的人才培养体系的需求比以往更为强烈。为确保商业成功,企业必须从战略高度关注人才培养,关注组织发展和组织能力的提升。The competition for key talents and the lack of talents within enterprises have made the demand for efficient talent training systems stronger than ever. To ensure business success, companies must focus on talent training from a strategic height, and focus on organizational development and the improvement of organizational capabilities.
We understand your challenge
  • In the era of mobile Internet, all aspects of corporate learning related background are changing. In terms of society, the speed of knowledge from generation to solidification, from solidification to copying, from copying to spreading to finally being iterated has greatly increased;

  • Commercially, business models such as 020, P2P, and B2C are emerging one after another, business models are changing faster and faster, and the uncertainty of the business environment is getting higher and higher;

  • In science and technology, the rapid development and popularization of emerging technologies are not only the motives of changes in society and business models, but also continue to accelerate such changes;

  • On the human side, the post-90s and 95s have entered society and the workplace in large numbers. As a generation of mobile Internet aborigines, they pursue individuality and freedom. This is a change in people and the most important change in the field of learning.

  • In terms of organization, on the one hand, the company's internal opinions and ideas on the construction of corporate universities are not focused enough, and the degree of professionalism and strategic fit of internal personnel is insufficient.

How can we achieve your goal


  • 企业大学硬件规划


  • 企业大学研讨会


  • 战略规划服务


  • 运营规划服务
    在确定企业大学战略后,睿山信达将帮助解决企业大学筹建过程中的组织与流程问题,以企业大学 “组织架构”、“运营流程”、“管理制度”等运营方面的概要设计服务,确保未来企业大学运营中的分工清晰、运行流畅。
  • 战略性学习项目规划
  • E-Learning应用规划
  • 十年专注企业大学

  • 丰富的企业大学经验


  • 专业引领

  • 众多知名企业首选
  • 近年获得殊荣



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